"A savior had come. He had opened the eyes of the people. He had awakened the sleeping lions. They would now roar, roar to victory." - Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o, The River Between

Written in 1965, the novel by prolific Kenyan author Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o was published as part of the African Writers Series. The River Between is the story of the separation of two neighbouring villages in Kenya instigated by differences in faith. The novel explores life in the mountains of Kenya during the early days of white settlement and is set in the decades of the early 20th century. This eye-opening novel captures a moment in time of a people whose world goes into turmoil. Faced with a choice between a new religion and their own ancient customs, the Gikuyu people are torn between those who fear the unknown and those who see beyond it.

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