"Many schools appear to have a fascinating and haunted past that still captures our imagination."

Years after students have left school, you will still hear them discussing one aspect of their teenage lives with great intensity and conviction. In Singapore’s schools, there are spooky stories and supernatural experiences that give people goosebumps for life. Many schools appear to have a fascinating and haunted past that still captures our imagination. Within their walls, ghostly figures appear, strange sounds echo, and eerie encounters unfold, creating a collection of ghost stories deeply woven into the culture of Singapore schools. These supernatural tales have been passed down through generations, whispered among students and teachers.
Let’s explore the supernatural realm together and discover eight of the scariest ghost stories that have become a part of the shared folklore that thrives within Singapore’s schools.
1. The Ghost of Old Admiralty Secondary School

Old Admiralty Secondary School, which closed in 1994, is known as one of the most haunted schools in Singapore. According to legend, the spirit of a deceased student still haunts the empty halls. Visitors have reported hearing footsteps and whispers with no visible source. Some even claim to have seen objects move on their own, creating a chilling atmosphere linked to the school’s ghostly history.
2. The Haunted Classroom at CHIJ St. Nicholas Girls’ School

CHIJ St. Nicholas Girls’ School has a classroom with an eerie reputation. Many students have seen a ghostly figure sitting at one of the desks, even when no one else is present. The room carries an unsettling presence, and some students have heard strange laughter coming from nowhere, sparking curiosity and unease about the supernatural happenings in that classroom.
3. The Mysterious Piano at Victoria School

At Victoria School, there is a captivating story about a mysterious music room. According to the tale, a former music teacher who loved playing the piano has left behind a supernatural presence. When night falls, the music room comes alive with an eerie enchantment as the piano starts playing by itself. The haunting melody echoes through the corridors, mesmerising those who listen and leaving them with a lingering sense of the supernatural.
4. The Crying Child of Nan Chiau High School

Nan Chiau High School has the haunting legend of a ghostly child’s sorrowful cries. Students and teachers have heard the heartbreaking sobs in the school’s quiet corridors. The unexplained weeping creates an eerie and sombre atmosphere as it echoes through the hallways. Even though the ghostly child’s origins are unclear, those who hear its eerie screams are left feeling both sympathetic and uneasy. Harry Potter’s ‘Moaning Myrtle’ definitely comes to mind…
5. The Headless Statue at Raffles Institution

Raffles Institution, a school with a rich history, has a spooky story about a haunted statue. The statue of Sir Stamford Raffles, an important figure from Singapore’s history, is said to sometimes appear without a head at night. The sight of the headless statue terrifies those who see it, leaving them wondering about the mysterious haunting.
6. The Haunted Lake and Labyrinth of Chung Cheng High School

There are some fairly creepy stories going around at Chung Cheng High School. According to some, it is haunted by the spirits of Japanese soldiers. The school has a big lake. Legend has it that if you walk around it three times and ring a nearby bell three times, a creepy mermaid might pop up from the water.
Inside the school’s auditorium, a labyrinthine network of interconnected doors and winding passages exists. According to local legend, these rooms may have had a dark background, possibly serving as torture chambers in the past.
7. The Moving Mannequin at Paya Lebar Methodist Girls’ School

At some point in the past, a mannequin was placed in the classroom to remember a girl after she died by suicide. The mannequin wore her uniform and had her name tag. The classroom was located on the ground floor and faced the track and field. Students noticed something peculiar during their physical education classes – the mannequin always seemed to be facing them, despite its original positioning towards the front of the class.
8. The “White House” of Montfort Secondary School

The “White House,” a historic structure that houses the school and is located in Hougang, is rumoured to be haunted. Students and workers who have been inside the structure have claimed to have heard eerie footsteps, strange noises, and seen apparitions. Some speculate that the ghostly presence may be connected to the school’s past or prior residents.
For more horror stories, check out 5 of the Creepiest School Ghost Stories in Asia and Uncover the Top 8 Haunted Locations in Singapore.