"Success and Happiness are choices, not destinations, and the subject combination you pick will not ultimately decide your fate."

We should play a game here. Two Lies One Truth, figure out which statement is true.
Statement 1: The subject combination I pick will determine the course of the rest of my life.
Statement 2: Following my interests will be my best bet.
Statement 3: The ‘triple science’ combination is the safest, and I can’t go wrong with it.
I will not be surprised to hear that most of you can’t figure out the truth because you have been told over and over again, that there is a set way of doing things, a ‘safe’ way, a way to ‘not make a mistake’.
Newsflash: Statement 1 and 3 are false, and anyone who tells you, a 14 year old, that it’s possible to not ‘go wrong’ in life, is the biggest liar of all. Let’s get one fact out of the way, and the gentle truth is, you are going to make mistakes. Big ones and small ones. Some of you will make more mistakes than others, and some of you (like me) will trace a bit of the confusion in your life back to the point where you picked your subject combination at the end of Secondary Two. What is important to understand, is that life can get both weird and wonderful, promising and perplexing all at once, and that learning how to deal with it all is the real secret to success, and certainly not determined by the ‘perfect’ subject combination.

Let’s take a look at Statement 1 for instance. “The subject combination I pick will determine the course of the rest of my life.” It is possible that not taking all the sciences might lead to you not obtaining a compulsory course, a requirement or prerequisite for Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmaceutical or Forensic Science and so on. The first question to ask yourself here then, is whether your heart already knows where it’s going. Not your mom’s or dad’s or grandma’s heart, but yours. Have you been dreaming about a career in medicine since you were in diapers? Are you genuinely interested in branches of medicine? Will the ability to heal others give you a sense of fulfillment? Do your grades also reflect this interest? Grades aren’t everything but let’s face it, if you’ve spent many nights losing hair and struggling to bond with the elements, you don’t really see yourself getting to know them even better over the next two years do you. The fact of the matter is, if you already know beyond the shadow of a doubt where you’re headed, one bad grade or nay saying teacher will not stop you, you will find a way to meet your destiny come hell or high water.
Let’s take a look at the vast majority of students however. You don’t know what you want, and you have no idea who or what you’re going to be when you grow up. Heck you barely know who you are right now. You should not then allow this decision to plague your life. Go with the subjects that you find more interesting, or at the very least, that you find easier to score in. Don’t refer to just your final grade, but your entire journey with the subject so far. Did you really enjoy that Shakespeare group presentation you had to do way back in Term 1? Did the transfer of sound energy through vibrations cause a reverberation in your mind? Are quadratic equations actually – secretly – kind of… fun?
Remember that life is a continuous journey of growth and exploration. Know that whatever decision you make right now is not the end of the world. You are going to go on to graduate secondary school, further your education in whichever field you see fit, go out into the working world and then see that there are even more possibilities out there for you, and that ultimately, you determine your own path.
Steve Jobs told the world to “have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become.” I will leave that here for you.